After effects create cigarette smoke particle playground
After effects create cigarette smoke particle playground

after effects create cigarette smoke particle playground

15.6.2 Factors affecting adoption of smokefree homes Policies In Australia, only a small minority of households with children and non-smokers allow smoking inside the home-see Section 4.5 for a detailed overview of the prevalence of exposure to secondhand smoke in the home. Smokefree homes are also associated with the presence of non-smokers, particularly children, lower cigarette consumption (or addiction) level, and interest in quitting. Conversely, smokers who keep their home smokefree are more likely to be younger, male, and more highly educated. Disadvantaged groups, such as those living in low socioeconomic areas, are also more likely to be exposed to secondhand smoke at home (see Section 9.1). Children are particularly vulnerable to the harms of secondhand smoke in their homes and cars, given their lack of autonomy and the long hours they spend in these environments. Secondhand smoke (SHS) causes or exacerbates a range of serious health conditions in children and non-smoking adults, including cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and cancer (see Chapter 4). Available from ġ5.6.1 Prevalence of exposure to secondhand smoke in the home In Greenhalgh, EM, Scollo, MM and Winstanley, MH. Last accessed October 31, 2022.Suggested citation: Grace, C, Greenhalgh, EM & Tumini, V. Triangle Park, NC: National Institute of Environmental Health and Safety, 2016. Vinyl Halides (Selected), Report on Carcinogens, Fifteenth Edition. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010. Vinyl Chloride, NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.Lyon, France: World Health Organization, 2012. Vinyl Chloride, IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Volume 100F. International Agency for Research on Cancer.Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.Occupational Safety & Health Administration provides information about exposure limits to vinyl chloride. Vinyl chloride exposure is associated with an increased risk of a rare form of liver cancer (hepatic angiosarcoma), as well as primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma), brain and lung cancers, lymphoma, and leukemia. Which cancers are associated with exposure to vinyl chloride? If a water supply is contaminated, vinyl chloride can enter household air when the water is used for showering, cooking, or laundry. In the environment, the highest levels of vinyl chloride are found in air around factories that produce vinyl products. The general population may be exposed by inhaling contaminated air or tobacco smoke. Workers at facilities where vinyl chloride is produced or used may be exposed primarily through inhalation. How are people exposed to vinyl chloride? Vinyl chloride is also produced as a combustion product in tobacco smoke. (PVC is not a known or suspected carcinogen.) Vinyl chloride is used primarily to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a hard plastic resin used to make a variety of plastic products, including pipes, wire and cable coatings, and packaging materials.

after effects create cigarette smoke particle playground

It does not occur naturally and must be produced industrially for its commercial uses. Vinyl chloride is a colorless gas that burns easily. Vinyl chloride is used primarily to make PVC, a substance used in products such as pipes.

After effects create cigarette smoke particle playground